Transformers Universe MUX

As of 07/24/2018 (User:Bzero), Altihex Speedway is
Autobots within the territory are viewed indifferently, Decepticons within the territory are viewed indifferently, and Unaffiliated Inhabitants are undisturbed.
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Although showing signs of disrepair, the Altihex Speedway is a marvel of engineering. The main structure of the track and spectator areas is held in virtual suspension inside a buttress of thousands of supercooled electromagnetic struts which counterbalance the enormous forces of the movement of the racetrack and redirect the kinetic energy into power converters inside the support pillars, which in turn send the converted energy back into the electrical system powering the lights, security measures, and PA system. In essence, the more spectators there are, the more the structure powers itself. Colossal batteries secured within the base of each pillar allow the facility to run on auxiliary power when the racetrack is not full enough to generate its own power; however, competitions rarely occur in the stadium without being filled to capacity.
